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📊 Understanding Pulse Scores

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📊 Understanding Pulse Scores

In this guide, we will cover:

  • What are Pulse scores?
  • How are they calculated?
  • Exploring Pulse scores in the Product
  • How are benchmarks calculated?
  • How can I use the Pulse to better coach and develop my team?

What are Pulse scores?

Uhubs measures competencies using our Pulse Score algorithm.

Each team member receives a Pulse score for each competency they are reviewed in. For instance, if Harry is an Account Executive, he would get Pulse scores in competencies like Negotiation, Prospecting, and Objection Handling.

Pulse scores range from 0 to 100. As of July 2024:

  • The average Pulse score across all roles is 60.
  • The average Pulse score for High Performers is 71.

Here’s a general guide to Pulse scores:

  • Less than 40: Very low competency level
  • 40 to 55: Low competency level
  • 55 to 65: Average competency level
  • 65 to 80: High competency level
  • More than 80: Very high competency level

Note that specific thresholds for each role and competency may vary. For example, High Performing Sales Development Reps typically score 63 in Prospecting, while High Performing Account Executives usually score 67.

Rolling up to Team Member, Team and Company Scores

Pulse scores can be averaged to give overall scores for individual team members, teams, or the entire company.

For example, if Harry scores 40 in Negotiation, 60 in Prospecting, and 60 in Objection Handling, his overall Pulse score would be 53.

Similarly, a team or company Pulse score is the average of all individual scores within the group.

For instance, if Harry’s overall Pulse score is 53 and his colleague Julia has a Pulse score of 30, their team score would be 42.

How are Pulse scores calculated?

The 3 inputs

Pulse scores are calculated using three inputs:

  • The team member’s self review
  • The manager’s review
  • Relevant performance data (if applicable)

When team members complete the Pulse, they score themselves (typically out of 7) on several behavioral statements. Each statement belongs to a competency. Generally, team members score themselves on five to seven statements within a given competency.

For example, Julia might score herself 1/7, 3/7, 3/7, 5/7, 5/7, and 5/7 on six Prospecting statements. Her average score would be 3.7.

Managers then provide an overall score for each team member in each competency. For example, Charlie scores Julia 4/7 for Prospecting.

Finally, when applicable (typically for quota-carrying roles), performance data is included in the analysis.

Converting the inputs into Pulse scores

Our Pulse score algorithm processes these inputs to generate a score out of 100.

Here are some scoring principles:

  1. The Manager Score is Weighted Most Heavily: The manager review best correlates with performance. Managers typically provide more objective reviews and use consistent criteria across multiple direct reports. They also have a better understanding of 'what good looks like' in a given competency.
  2. Very High Manager Scores Boost Pulse Scores: A jump from 6/7 to 7/7 is considered more significant than a jump from 3/7 to 4/7. Therefore, very high scores from managers give an extra boost to the Pulse score.
  3. The Team Member Self-Review Score is Important, but Less So with Blindspots: Generally, if team members score themselves higher, their Pulse score will increase to an extent. However, if they consistently score themselves higher than their manager does, their Pulse score for that competency is penalized to prevent inflation of scores in the presence of Blindspots.
  4. High Performers Receive a Boost:If performance data is included, high performers—typically those who hit their quota in the previous quarter—receive a small boost. Roles without performance data (like some Customer Success Managers) are not impacted by this.

Released in July 2024, we are currently on version 3.5 of our algorithm. Through development, research and the collection of user feedback we have identified these principles as the most effective at fairly scoring team members in competencies. Our dataset now consists of thousands of users in commercial roles.

Exploring Pulse scores in the Product

Pulse Analysis

In Pulse Analysis, you can interact with your team’s Pulse scores on a Spider diagram. By using the drop-downs, you can:

  • Compare one team member or team to another
  • Compare high performers with low performers
  • Compare different role types
  • Compare long-tenured team members with short-tenured ones
  • Compare your team to Industry Benchmarks

Additionally, by clicking on the graph, you can view a detailed drill-down of your team and access key links such as their Profile and PDF report.

Pulse Leaderboard

In Pulse Leaderboard, you can view key summary information from your team’s Pulse scores and access detailed PDF reports. These reports provide a full breakdown of each team and team member’s Pulse insights, including:

  • Responses to free-text questions such as the one area team members want to develop this quarter
  • Pulse scores per team member per competency, highlighting overall team strengths and development opportunities
  • Blindspots per team member per competency, showing where manager and team member scores differ
  • Extreme statements, indicating where team members scored themselves particularly high or low
  • Trends over time, illustrating how Pulse results have changed since the previous Pulse

How are benchmarks calculated?

In Pulse Analysis, you can compare your team’s Pulse scores with Industry Benchmarks.

There are two types of Industry Benchmarks:

  • Industry Average: The average Pulse score of all users who have completed the Pulse.
  • Industry High Performers: The average Pulse score of all users who have completed the Pulse and hit their performance goals in the previous quarter.

The benchmark is indexed based on the competencies reviewed and the team member’s role:

  • Your team will only be compared to others who were reviewed in the same competencies.
  • Each team member will only be compared against others with the same role.

In the Spider diagram, the benchmark line will adapt based on the selected users.

For example, if you select only Account Executives in orange and a benchmark line in blue, this will show the benchmark for Account Executives. If you select a mix of Account Executives and Account Managers, the benchmark line will show a weighted average benchmark for those two roles.

Custom Competency Frameworks

Whilst the majority of our clients use the Uhubs Competency Set, some of our clients have a Custom Competency framework built to their requirements. If this is the case, then:

  • The principals underlying how Pulse scores are calculated remain the same
  • If you use a different input scoring scale (e.g. out of 4, instead of out of 7), then this is taken into account
  • Benchmark thresholds may be different (e.g. High Performers may be found at 60, rather than 71)

How can I use the Pulse to better coach and develop my team?

The Pulse provides a framework to structure performance conversations and plan development for the next phase.

Here are some examples of how you can use the insights:

  • High Performers: Focus on their development requests, progression, and set stretch goals to keep them motivated.
  • Inconsistent Performers: Educate them on what good looks like in key areas. Praise their strengths, but focus on the one or two competencies that need the most attention.
  • New Joiners: Show them their competency profile compared to a high performer in your team. Explain that outcomes will come if they invest time in developing their skills.

The Pulse also facilitates leadership-level conversations:

  • Adjust GTM Strategy: By understanding what good looks like at your organization, you can upskill your team in the most critical areas or allocate more resources to high-value competencies.
  • Recruitment Strategy: Use the Pulse to identify your Ideal Rep Profile and hire for attributes that correlate with high performance at your company.
  • Team Progression: Incorporate the Pulse into your performance review processes to set targeted goals for each team member's next steps.

Ultimately, the Pulse is as valuable as the conversations it starts.

Running through the insights in 1:1s and Leadership meetings have really helped our clients unlock another level of Performance.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

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