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Personal Growth

Sales Leadership

A Foundation Framework for Effective Delegation

Learn to maximize your productivity and empower your team to grow.

As a sales manager/leader, if you want to make your team as effective as possible and free yourself in order to focus on tasks only you can address and handle, then learning how to effectively delegate is crucial.

Often leaders find themselves struggling to delegate, whether they are not sure to whom to delegate a task, they don't know how to spread the workload efficiently or they just aren't confident that that person would be able to handle it so they go with the thought of "I can do it faster, better...". Perhaps they don't even have that habit of delegating and are not sure where to start.

For whatever reason, not delegating will, in the long -term, hurt the business and any effort of creating a big change. As John C. Maxwell, author of Developing the Leaders Around You said once: “If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.”

In this series, we will look at a simple yet effective framework for delegating effectively, to the right people, the right task and with the right mindset to not just assign tasks but also responsibility and allow your team to grow.


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