February 15, 2022
Sales Enablement

Mark Addis Podcast - VP of Sales at EduMe

For the full podcast, check out the episode here:

In this episode, we cover...

  1. Recruitment dynamics in today’s market.
  2. How to bring the **right candidates **to you.
  3. The steps you can take to adapt your approaches right now.

Mark Addis is the Vice-President of Sales at EduMe, a flexible, dynamic workforce training platform.

Here are some of the key insights from the conversation.

  • This is a crucial time for recruitment in SaaS spaces.

”What I do know is that there are so many roles available for so few people - SO many people are getting hired right now. Getting talent is tough!”

  • Candidates are on the hunt for the right workplace for them.

”The feedback is always ‘Wow, the people that work there are super passionate about working there’, and I think that’s probably true of anyone working at a rapidly growing Series B company.”

  • One of today’s biggest challenges is remote working.

_”We were on the second flight out [ to US branch ] as soon as the borders opened. The on-boarding side of things has been a particular challenge.” _

The best place to find Mark Addis is through the EduMe website.

See you next week!

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