March 15, 2022
Sales Enablement

How to manage exponential growth in your business Podcast - Greg Freeman

In this episode, we cover...

  1. How have been keeping up with their exponential growth.
  2. The scope of his new position as Business Development Director.
  3. What he means when he says he ‘has absolutely no idea how to sell’!

Greg Freeman is Business Development Director at Recently VP of Sales, he stepped aside to take up a position better suited to fulfilling his own growth.

Here are some of the key insights from the conversation.

  • The technology needed for scaling a business is ever-changing.

”So we have a lot of departments. And the clients that we're working with now are no longer start-ups on their own. They're more mature, more expectant of professionalism and delivery. You need processes and comms structures that deliver against those expectations.”

  • Bide your time and learn from the experience of others!

”If you're a VP of sales that has never been a VP sales before, just stick as a VP of sales or a sales director and allow them to bring the CRO in above you who's done it before - because that's actually what's going to teach you to be great.”

  • In comparison to other roles, salespeople are often fast-tracked to management.

”The other reason I think a lot of salespeople are drawn to management is because a lot of people don't like selling. I think that's why they almost fall into management, or try and accelerate their journey to management because ultimately they don't want to be picking up the phone anymore.”

The best place to find Greg is on LinkedIn.

See you next week!

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